Category Archives: Video Wednesday

Video Wednesday: Harvesting after Spraying Pesticides

We are getting to the time of year when you may need to start spraying to control insects or diseases. After you have used a pesticide, you need to be sure to wait to harvest until it is safe to do so. Learn more from this video.

Video Wednesday: Efficient Water Use

As the weather gets hotter, we want to make sure that we are using water as efficiently as possible.

Video Wednesday: Check Your Garden for Insects

One of the keys to keeping insects at bay in your garden is regular scouting! This video discusses how you go about that.

Video Wednesday: Stake & Weave for Tomatoes

Last week the video talked about caging and staking tomatoes. This video goes a little more in depth on the Stake & Weave method for tomatoes.

Video Wednesday: Caging Tomatoes

If you’ve got your tomatoes planted, you need to have a plan for keeping them upright. This video talks about some different options for your tomatoes.