Monthly Archives: February 2011

Monday at the Wichita Garden Show

Just a couple more pictures to whet your taste to come to the show!

Yikes that’s a lot of plants! I wonder where they are going to go?

The front of the Hobbit House….not quite done yet, but we’re making progress!

Sunday at the Garden Show

Just a couple photos of how our garden is coming together after 1 day of construction.

The Hobbit House in progress…

We have most of the trees in place.

I’m impressed by how much work we got done today! We have great volunteers with a multitude of talents!

Loaded Up, Headed Out…

We’ve got almost everything loaded for the Wichita Garden Show. It remains to be seen if we can make such a motley collection of junk look like anything worth paying to see!

One truck load of random junk….

The green door should look like something, I hope…

Yes, those are cedar trees, random boards and sticks, and more!

I’ll try to post some pictures of the garden as things take shape next week. Don’t hold your breath, but I’ll try!

Garden Planning: Early & Late Tomato Garden

I think this is our last garden plan for the year. (The wheelchair height garden will have Prairie Star Annual flowers in it this year, so we don’t have a specific plan for that garden.)

This is our second tomato garden, and we’re going about it a little differently.

We’re going to plant half of the garden to early spring vegetables in March. The other half will be planted to early season/cold tolerant or determinate tomatoes in late April/early May. Those tomatoes will grow through early August, when most of them will be done producing.

In mid-June, we will harvest anything remaining from the early spring vegetables and then plant 6 tomato varieties that are marketed to have good heat tolerance. By planting them 4-6 weeks later than the other tomatoes, they should be blooming vigorously just about the time we normally get the worst of our heat. This will give us a clear picture of which varieties will do the best in that heat. If we’re lucky, we should have a consistent supply of tomatoes all year. (If we’re really unlucky, we’ll have an abnormally cool summer so it won’t matter!)

After the early tomatoes are done, we’ll be replacing them with cauliflower and other fall vegetables. Hopefully the other tomatoes will produce at least through September.

Garden Planning: Family of 4 Garden

This will be our 3rd year with the Family of 4 Garden, and I think it is going to look very different this year! It will be interesting to see how our financial tally turns out.

We are doing a lot of early spring planting this year! We’re going to have the typical spring veggies, as well as chard (again), beets, carrots, onions, cabbage, and potatoes. We’re putting sugar snap peas on another one of those trellises. Then, when all the spring vegetables are done, we’ll be planting summer crops. Some of the summer vegetables will probably be planted significantly later than the earliest possible date, but that’s okay too.  Continuing the theme of the vertical garden, we’ll be planting cucumbers and cantaloupe on the trellis after the peas are done.